With Love

We spend many hours in front of the mirror reviewing our looks. In our minds, we point out things about ourselves that we like and don’t like. Too often, our minds tend to focus more on our flaws and shortcomings. We start to belittle ourselves, but fail to see the countless beautiful things that make us unique.

But in actual fact, the mirror is the greatest tool available to us to reverse this trend. All of us are unique in a perfect way, and when we use the mirror correctly, we can end up viewing ourselves in a much more positive way. When we know how to approach it, the mirror can help us recognize the elements of beauty about ourselves and can make us shine like we are supposed to.

A few minutes in front of the mirror, daily, is all it takes. I call it mirror work.

And so this course is a guide for you to start doing mirror work.

Start by looking at yourself in the mirror. Look into your eyes, because this is the window to your soul – the element within yourself that you are trying to speak to. While looking into your own eyes, start mentioning affirmations to yourself – positive statements that complement your uniqueness and bring out the best in you. Then, remember to continue to say/think these positive statements throughout the day. What we think about at the start of a day is what we turn out to be like on that day.

As Louise L. Hay’s put it: “You have been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn’t worked. Try approving yourself and see what happens.”

So join along on the journey of self-discovery and self-affirmation. Take the conscious decision to start viewing yourself in a positive way. It might just change your life forever!